Treat Diversity and Inclusion Like A New Biz Pitch And You'll Solve it.

When it comes to Diversity & Inclusion strategy, it’s important to get buy-in and get executing. Your business depends on it. Perhaps you got the green light to move forward, but you're unsure about where to start. Perhaps you got some programming off the ground, but you’re not sure how it all connects. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to Diversity & Inclusion strategy. We advise clients to not disconnect Diversity & Inclusion from overall brand strategy. That’s the only way it’s going to stick and thrive. Take a step back, and first consider your brand values. Who do you say you are to your customer, to the world? If they took a peek inside, would they believe you? Then ask yourself, what does your brand do when you need to solve a major business challenge or attack a new business opportunity? Whatever that is, that’s the kind of resources and support you need to solve D&I for your business. At Grounded Strategy, we treat Diversity & Inclusion like a new business pitch that we know you can win. Let us help you find your brand’s way. -Amber Chenevert, PhD- Founder

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